Overwhelmed by back-to-back Teams meetings and demands on your time? Frustrated by being unable to create space to think creatively and without feeling constantly under pressure?
This workshop is a must for senior leaders, directors and CEOs to take a step back from “the urgent and busy” and apply some critical thinking to how and where you should be focusing your valuable time and effort.
You will gain clarity around your own values and how these align with those of the organisation. You will learn to distinguish between “the trivial many and the vital few” so that your efforts deliver maximum impact.
We will use up-to-date thinking and methodologies from leadership experts such as Brené Brown, Carol Dweck, Nancy Kline and others – no outdated stock leadership models here!
At the end of the workshop, you will feel energised and inspired as to how you can be more inspirational and effective leaders. You will have a clear action plan as to how to put into practice the ideas you have learnt. Our aim is that you head back to office life feeling clear, calm and in flow.
What you''ll learn
Session 1 – Introduction and Overview
– Introduction to the day/learning objectives/workshop structure
Session 2 – Creating Time to Think
– Seeking clarity – strategically for your organisation
– The 10 Components of a Thinking Environment
– Simple tweaks to enhance the quality, output and enjoyment of your meetings
Session 3 – Clarity around Your Values
– Learning from Brené Brown’s work on leaders and values
– Uncovering your core values
Session 4 – Becoming an Essentialist
– The core mindset
– Explore, Eliminate, Execute – a practical 3-step approach to Essentialism
Session 5 – Assuming a growth mindset
– The importance of a growth mindset for leadership
Session 6 – Putting it all together
– Group exercise
Session 7 – Wrap Up
Action Points
Who is it for?
This is an opportunity to take a day away from your organisation, rather than working in it, to gain that helicopter perspective and to return to the office with renewed clarity and strategic insight.
This is for you if:
- You find yourself buried in the intense “busyness” of your role – back-to-back Teams meetings or face-to-face conversations and no time to catch your breath or think strategically
- Meetings take up a significant part of your working day, with often too little progress made
- You are spending too much time involved in the operational side of the business, getting lost in the weeds, rather than focusing on strategy and leadership
- You haven’t spent time thinking about your own values and leadership style in some time
- You need to get your team/organisation back on track
- You want some straightforward and impactful ideas on how to lead your organisation in the right direction
- You want to check your strategic ladder is up against the right wall!