6 stress management techniques for more resilient workdays

30 January 2023

Workplace stress is on the rise, and it’s costing businesses dearly. Whether we’re entry-level employees or executives, today’s fast-paced and constantly changing business environment can make it difficult to understand the causes of stress and the steps we can take to manage it. In this blog post we’ll explore the different types of stress that employees may experience and the strategies we can use to reduce it. 

So, whether you’re an employee or an employer, let’s dive in and learn how we can make our workplaces healthier and more productive for everyone.

Stress levels in the UK

33% of employees report moderate-to-high or high levels of stress, and 28% report that high levels of stress impact productivity, with the the top cause being workload (ChampionHealth).

There are 7 types of work stress:

  1. Demand: unrealistic expectations, increasing demands, and lack of skills/knowledge to complete the required tasks.
  2. Change: rapidly changing organisations with poor communication and increasing sense of uncertainty. 
  3. Control: feeling out of control often leads to disengagement and burnout.
  4. Relationships: having toxic or uncooperative colleagues or not having positive social support from friends and family. 
  5. Security: fear over staying employed and financial security. 
  6. Time: lack of adequate time to complete tasks ad 
  7. Clarity: lack of feedback, no communication with line manager, and no formal structure for progress/goals in place. 

10 stress management techniques

1 | Exercise

Exercise releases the feel-good chemical endorphins which acts as a natural pain reliever and can also fight depression if done regularly. It also rewires our brain to have a more positive outlook on life as it gives us more energy and boosts our mood. In addition, exercise can help us stay more focused throughout working days as it trains our brain to concentrate on each movement. Lastly, exercise improves our sleep and enhances our physical and mental health which boosts our self-confidence and increases our resilience and strength. 62% of adults who say they exercise or walk to help manage stress say the technique is very or extremely effective (source). 

2 | Deep breathing

Most of us do shallow breathing which can lead to anxiety, panic attacks, asthma, respiratory problems, and fatigue. Deep breathing techniques are proven to help us calm down, retain and access information quicker, improve muscle function, reduce blood pressure and decrease heart rate. Here are a few examples:

  • Diaphragm breathing: place one hand on your chest and one on your abdomen, inhale through your nose for four seconds, hold for two, and exhale through your mouth for six. Feel your abdomen rise and fall. 
  • 4-7-8: inhale a full breath through your nose for four seconds, hold for seven, and exhale slowly for eight. Repeat 1-4 times. 
  • Box breath: inhale a full breath on the count for four seconds, hold for four, exhale deeply for four, and hold for four. For optimal results repeat this four times. 

If you’re interested in more ways we can reduce stress and even use breathing to nail interviews and meetings, check out our training course Building Your Resilience at Work. 

3 | Muscle relaxation

To cope better with everyday stress, we can implement muscle relaxation techniques designed to slow down our heart rate, lower blood pressure, improve digestion, reduce cortisol levels, improve focus and sleep, decrease fatigue and boost confidence to overcome challenges. Here are a few techniques you can try:

  • Visualisation: close your eyes, sit in a quiet spot, focus on your breathing, and visualise a positive outcome of your current situation.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: tense your muscles for five seconds and relax for 30, moving gradually from your toes to your head
  • Autogenic relaxation: using your mind to relax the body, e.g. while visualising a peaceful setting and repeating positive affirmations, focus on relaxing each muscle. 

4 | Meditation and mindfulness

Meditation has been a big topic for years, but when it comes to stress management, it can help focus your attention and get rid of negative thoughts. As it triggers the body’s relaxation response, it’s actually been shown to have a longer lasting effect on reducing stress than a holiday (Headspace). Here are some techniques you can try today in less than 10 minutes:

  • Scan your body: take a deep breath in through the nose, and out through the mouth. As you breathe out, close the eyes and notice how your body feels starting at the top of the head, slowly scanning your body allthe way to your toes noticing what feels comfortable and uncomfortable.
  • Guided meditation: find a guided session that works for you and follow the instructions spoken out loud in a distraction-free environment. 
  • 5 senses: acknowledge five things you see around you, 4 things you can touch around you, 3 things you hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

If you know anyone in your team struggling with mental ill health, check out our course Mental Health Awareness for Managers.

5 | Take control

Time Management: if you feel like your time keeps escaping, try adopting a time management technique, here are some examples:

  • Pomodoro: work in focused 25-minute intervals.
  • Time blocking: divide your day into time blocks focused on specific tasks. 
  • The Eisenhower Matrix: prioritise by dividing your tasks into four boxes based on the tasks you’ll do first, schedule for later, delegate, and tasks you’ll delete.
  • Pickle Jar Theory: dividing your tasks into urgent, important but can wait, and distractions. 

Task Management: to feel more in control of your daily to-do list, here are some app that might help:

Communication: setting healthy boundaries in place will ensure you’re in control of your day and have better relationships in place. If you’re not sure how to do this, check out our courses: Assertiveness for Women and Dealing with Difficult People.

6 | Social support

Social support is one of the most important elements in managing stress at work. It not only helps you feel less isolated, but it can also help provide you with practical and emotional support to help you cope with stress. Here are some of the social networks you can tap into:  

  • Seek professional help: talking to a therapist or counsellor can help you understand your stress and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Friends and family: spending time with loved ones can provide a much-needed distraction and boost your mood.
  • Talk to HR: many companies offer employee assistance programs (EAP) and other resources to help you manage stress.
  • Join support groups: joining a support group with others who are going through similar experiences can provide a sense of community and understanding.
  • Volunteer or get involved in a hobby: doing something you enjoy can help you feel more fulfilled and reduce stress.

In conclusion, stress is a growing problem in the workplace that affects everyone from employees to executives. By understanding the types of stress that employees may experience and the strategies we can use to reduce it, we can create a healthier and more productive work environment. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how to build resilience and reduce stress, we highly recommend our training course, Building Your Resilience at Work. It shows you how to:

  • develop seven elements of personal resilience
  • gain perspective in the moment (avoid making a drama out of a crisis)
  • create a powerful personal mission statement that will keep you on track
  • get back to sleep when you wake in the night and worry about issues at work
  • understand the negative bias of the brain and the physiology of stress
  • use your body to change your emotions
  • build  supportive relationships with co-workers
  • use what highly resilient people say to themselves to help us in our daily life

Book your place here: Building Your Resilience at Work.

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